Tapia pipeline construction begins

date Monday, July 24, 1972

location Malibu

On July 24, the Las Virgenes Municipal Water District approved Pepperdine's intent to construct twin pipelines to carry sewage to (and reclaimed water from) the Tapia water reclamation facility near Piuma Road.1 (Formal approval came on August 7.)2 Construction of the pipelines began in mid July,1 and was carried out by Kirst Construction Company.3 For two months, construction workers cut a ditch alongside Malibu Canyon Road to lay five miles of parallel six-inch pipes.3 The work had to be finished by September 6, when the Malibu campus was scheduled to open to students.

Reclaimed water piped back to campus was used to irrigate landscaping, and excess was held in a pond in the meadow today called Alumni Park.3


  1. Inner View, 7/28/72, p. 2 (Pepperdine University Archives)
  2. The Malibu Times, 8/11/72, p. 1 (Pepperdine University Archives)
  3. Banowsky, 2010, p. 297 (Pepperdine University Press)

