Malibu to truck sewage to Las Virgenes plant

date Sunday, May 7, 1972

location Malibu

In an appearance on The Sunday Show, a KNBC TV program, President William Banowsky announced a solution to the sewage problems plaguing the construction of the Malibu campus: trucking the campus's raw sewage four miles through Malibu Canyon to a Las Virgenes Municipal Water District plant, where it would be treated.1

The Tapia water reclamation plant, located near Piuma Road, was already discharging into Malibu Creek as much reclaimed water as it was legally permitted to, so Pepperdine would also have to truck effluent back to campus. Thus, once the sewage trucks reached the plant, they would need to be cleaned, refilled with reclaimed water, and returned to the Malibu campus, to be used to water the landscaping.2


  1. The Graphic, 5/11/72, p. 1 (Pepperdine University Archives)
  2. Banowsky, 2010, p. 295-96 (Pepperdine University Press)

