First Graphic issue from Malibu

date Friday, October 6, 1972

location Malibu

The front page of The Graphic's first issue from the Malibu campus in October 1972.

The front page of The Graphic's first issue from the Malibu campus in October 1972. The Graphic, 10/6/72, p. 1 (Pepperdine University Archives)

Pepperdine's student newspaper opened its 36th academic year from its new digs in Malibu. Starting over its numbering at Vol. 1, No. 1, the award-winning publication adopted a new five-column format. The lead story was the opening of the Malibu campus the month before.

Other stories included donations to the school from Fritz Huntsinger, the Canfield Foundation, and a group of LA art lovers. Also covered was the formation of the Associated Student Board, the new student government body designed by dean of student life Bob Thomas, with its founding chairman, Randy Lowry. Among the editorials was one praising the role Malibu provost Jerry Hudson played in ensuring the campus was ready to open.1

Students seemed pleased with the new campus, even though it remained an active construction zone, with work continuing on the fieldhouse and the chapel. One persistent complaint in the first month was about insufficient lighting in Payson Library. The Graphic quoted provost Jerry Hudson saying, "We realize that at this point the situation is barely adequate," and promising to put lights on all study carrels.1

With The Graphic moving to Malibu, the LA campus launched a student newspaper of its own, The Inner View.


  1. The Graphic, 10/6/72, p. 1-4 (Pepperdine University Archives)


student life