Malibu expecting 800 students

date Thursday, July 20, 1972

location Malibu

Just months before opening, Malibu anticipated 800 students for the 1972 fall term. Over half that number would be freshmen.1

With less than 50 days to go, the campus was still a construction site: the science building was nearly finished and the library was just weeks away from completion, but the dorms were still a work in progress. Malibu provost Jerry Hudson quipped to The Graphic, "We hope the beds arrive before the students."1

In fact, fall enrollment at Malibu would top 850, with 475 freshmen.2


  1. The Graphic, 7/20/72, p. 1 (Pepperdine University Archives)
  2. The Graphic, 10/6/72, p. 1 (Pepperdine University Archives)

