New security booth for LA campus

date Thursday, April 6, 1972

location LA campus

Student security officer Randy Hodges works at the new guard booth on the LA campus in April 1972.

Student security officer Randy Hodges works at the new guard booth on the LA campus in April 1972. The Graphic, 4/6/1972, p. 4 (Pepperdine University Archives)

A new security booth was erected at 79th Street and Budlong Avenue on Pepperdine's LA campus. The move came after a "mild rash of violence" in the fall 1971 term, including incidents of student harassment. The first impact of the booth was a sudden demand for parking stickers as students felt that parking enforcement was on the rise.1

Among the guards staffing the booth were student officers working for $1.75 per hour (which was 10% above the federal minimum wage).1

The Malibu campus would get its own guard booth late in 1972.2


  1. The Graphic, 4/6/72, p. 4 (Pepperdine University Archives)
  2. The Graphic, 11/17/72, p. 2 (Pepperdine University Archives)

