Tree planting ceremony

date Wednesday, September 6, 1972

location Malibu

Left to right: Helen Pepperdine, Leo Hirsh, Blanche Seaver, and Norvel Young, at the tree planting ceremony the day the new campus opened.

Left to right: Helen Pepperdine, Leo Hirsh, Blanche Seaver, and Norvel Young, at the tree planting ceremony the day the new campus opened. Tree Planting Ceremony, 9/6/72, p. (Pepperdine University Archives Photograph Collection)

Leo Hirsh, chairman of the Trees for Pepperdine Malibu effort, hosted a tree planting ceremony on the Malibu campus the day it opened. The ceremony featured a tree transplanted from the LA campus, signifying the unity of the university.1 Among the donors present at the event were two women representing the past and the future of the institution: Helen Pepperdine (widow of founder George Pepperdine) and Blanche Seaver, whose donations to the Malibu project would come to be honored in the name of Seaver College.2


  1. The Malibu Times, 9/8/72, p. 1, 2 (Pepperdine University Archives)
  2. Inner View, 9/15/1972, p. 5 (Pepperdine University Archives)

