Cheerleader named Co-Ed of the Month

date Friday, April 28, 1972

location LA campus

The future Mrs. Jerry West (hiding in a tree for some reason) was the featured co-ed of the month in "Coach and Athlete" magazine.

The future Mrs. Jerry West (hiding in a tree for some reason) was the featured co-ed of the month in "Coach and Athlete" magazine. Coach & Athlete, March 1972, p. 30 (Allen Dees)

Pepperdine cheerleader Karen Bua was named "Co-Ed of the Month" for March by Coach & Athlete magazine. The Malibu Times, in covering the feature, raved, "WOOOOOOOW, Karen is a REAL page brightener!!!"1

Bua would later marry Lakers star Jerry West, who recalls in his memoir meeting her in 1974 and finding her "frankly, one of the most naturally beautiful women I had ever seen."2


  1. The Malibu Times, 4/28/72, p. 4 (Pepperdine University Archives)
  2. West by West: My Charmed, Tormented Life, 2011, p. 81 (Little, Brown)


student life