Asphalt poured for Seaver entrance

date Friday, February 18, 1972

location Malibu

The Graphic reported that asphalt was due to be poured on what would be the Seaver Drive entrance to the Malibu campus.1 The guard booth and gate now at the bottom of Seaver Drive were later developments. Before the existence of the road, Civic Center Way dead-ended into Malibu Canyon Road.

In fact, before Pepperdine began construction on the Malibu campus, Malibu Canyon Road had no intersection with the Pacific Coast Highway, terminating instead a half-mile north at Civic Center Way. It was only at Pepperdine's request that the county extended Malibu Canyon Road as far as PCH.2

During construction, many assumed that Pepperdine's main entrance would be at the new intersection of central Malibu's two main thoroughfares, but president William Banowsky and campus architect William Pereira preferred a subtler side entrance tucked away from the busy highway in Winter Canyon. The grading required for the entrance off Malibu Canyon cost an additional $300,000, which was paid for with Hydril stock donated by Blanche Seaver, after whom the road was named.2


  1. The Graphic, 2/17/72, p. 1 (Pepperdine University Archives)
  2. Banowsky, 2010, p. 240 (Pepperdine University Press)

