36th annual Founder's Day

date Monday, October 16, 1972

location LA campus

The annual convocation to honor George Pepperdine was held at the Los Angeles campus. Professor Tony Ash, chairman of Malibu's religion department, gave the main speech, saying, "I am convinced that if we understand the word Christian in the best sense of the term, that there is a complete compatibility between being Christian and having an open search for truth with integrity."1

At a parallel gathering on the Malibu campus, Professor James Smythe reminisced about his friend George Pepperdine, who had died ten years earlier. Smythe quoted Pepperdine as saying, "What I kept myself, I lost; what I gave away has been kept; I only regret I had not given it all away."1


  1. The Graphic, 10/20/72, p. 1-2 (Pepperdine University Archives)



See also:

Tony Ash
Tony Ash
Tony Ash

Chair, religion dept. (Malibu)

James Smythe
James Smythe
James Smythe

Professor of English