Malibu students object to chapel plans

date Thursday, May 25, 1972

location LA campus

Students set to attend the Malibu campus were not pleased with the announced plans for chapel on the new campus, according to reporting in The Graphic. Bob Thomas, set to become the dean of student life in Malibu, announced that students would have to attend chapel twice a week, "in keeping with the Malibu concept of education."1

A petition signed by about 70% of Malibu pilot program students opposed the plan. Thomas seemed unconcerned by opposition from LA students, noting that they would comprise less than a third of students at Malibu.1


  1. The Graphic, 5/25/72, p. 1 (Pepperdine University Archives)


student life

See also:

Bob Thomas
Bob Thomas
Bob Thomas

Dean of student life, Malibu